This is my job, at least the Virtual Teacher part. After 18 years in 4 school districts, I’ve been working for a private company since Fall 2020. I teach Secondary English 6-12 with an online curriculum. I only score writing, so my feedback is specific and detailed and the rest is scored automatically. We have grown from 20-21 to 21-22 and project growth for the next 5 years.
My job is a joy. No commute. No behavior problems beyond “non-attendance.” I am there to help students and their families be successful. We use asynchronous messaging, Google Voice and Zoom to communicate. I spend much time on Zoom tutoring and mentoring.
I would love to see this continue to evolve to further help students. I have students in the inner city, in the most rural towns, and in the posh suburbs, all at the same time. I’d love to see the model expand because many of my colleagues in physical schools will leave because of the demands & stress.